Risk Management Center (RMC) Mission

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Expand List item 26026Collapse List item 26026  Support Oversight

The RMC supports the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Headquarters with technical and programmatic oversight for all non-routine dam and levee safety activities.

Expand List item 26027Collapse List item 26027  Data Management
The RMC is responsible for managing data associated with non-routine dam and levee safety activities.
Expand List item 26028Collapse List item 26028  Policy Development
The RMC supports the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Headquarters (HQUSACE) policy development and participates in strategic planning efforts as requested by HQUSACE. The RMC identifies gaps in existing policy and suggests improvements to existing policy.
Expand List item 26029Collapse List item 26029  Quality Management
In accordance with Engineer Circular 1165-2-214 or the current Civil Works Review Policy, the RMC serves as the Review Management Organization (RMO) for non-routine Dam Safety products, vegetation variance, and non-routine Levee Safety related products when appropriate (i.e. those completed without a decision document).
Expand List item 26031Collapse List item 26031  Risk Management
The RMC is responsible for supporting and informing U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Headquarters management of the portfolio of dams and levees in USACE inventory with the goal of reducing risks in the most efficient manner possible. The RMC leads efforts to evaluate structures where risks are potentially unacceptable and manage the portfolio from a national perspective.
Expand List item 26032Collapse List item 26032  Technical Competency
The RMC is responsible for leading efforts to coordinate technical competency and technology development for risk-based scientific and engineering analyses of dams and levees.

Core Mission Areas

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Expand List item 26033Collapse List item 26033  Dam and Levee Data Management

The Risk Management Center is responsible for coordinating and implementing data and information resources across the safety programs.

Expand List item 26034Collapse List item 26034  Dam and Levee Safety Technical Competency and Training

The RMC develops and implements training and technical competency activities in support of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Headquarters as outlined in the 2017 safety program training plan.

Expand List item 26035Collapse List item 26035  Headquarters Technical Support for Dam and Levee Safety Activities

The Risk Management Center provides or coordinates technical support for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Headquarters safety programs across a wide spectrum of projects and efforts.

Expand List item 26036Collapse List item 26036  Policy Development

The Risk Management Center manages, coordinates, and staffs support for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Headquarters policy development efforts.

Expand List item 26037Collapse List item 26037  Program Management for Safety Program Activities

The Risk Management Center manages the following programs for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Headquarters:

  • USACE Dam Safety Program
  • USACE Levee Safety Program
  • National Levee Safety Initiative

These activities are managed under the following accounts:

  • Inspection of Completed Federal Flood Control Projects (Levee Safety)
  • National Flood Inventory (Levee Safety)
  • National Dam Safety Program
  • Dam Safety Seepage and Stability Correction Program
  • Review of Non-Federal Alterations of USACE Civil Works Projects
  • National Inventory of Dams
Expand List item 26038Collapse List item 26038  Quality Management for Safety Program Activities

The RMC serves as the Review Management Organization for all safety program activities including preparing and endorsing review plans, coordinating and staffing Agency Technical Reviews (ATRs), and coordinating Independent External Peer Reviews (IEPRs), and developing new strategies to improve the quality of projects in the safety programs.

Expand List item 26039Collapse List item 26039  Risk Management and Risk Assessment for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Dams and Levees

The RMC coordinates and staffs life safety risk assessments across U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Other Mission Areas

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Expand List item 26041Collapse List item 26041  District and Major Subordinate Command Support

There are various projects where the RMC responds to requests from Districts or Divisions to provide technical assistance on one of their projects. These activities include:

  1. Support for design activities
  2. Support for construction activities
  3. Support for After Action Reporting
  4. Flood fighting activities
  5. Technical review for miscellaneous or major dam or levee safety activities
  6. Technical review of work done by others on federal projects
Expand List item 26042Collapse List item 26042  Interagency and International Support

The RMC supports interagency and international organizations and projects. The primary organizations that the RMC supports or coordinates with are:

  • Department of State
  • Bureau of Reclamation
  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  • Tennessee Valley Authority
  • Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
  • Rijkswaterstaat (the Netherlands)
  • Environment Agency (UK)
  • The World Bank
Read more about the RMC's partnerships here.
Expand List item 26043Collapse List item 26043  Quality Management Support to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineering & Construction Directorate

The RMC is the official Review Management Office for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers projects that pose a significant threat to human life. As such, the RMC manages Agency Technical Reviews (ATR) and Independent External Peer Reviews (IEPR) for each of those projects.

Expand List item 26044Collapse List item 26044  Technical and Programmatic Support for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineering & Construction Directorate

The RMC, being a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Headquarters (HQ) Field Operating Activity, provides program management, technical, and policy support to HQ at their request. In FY17, those tasks fall under general groups of:

  1. Asset Management
  2. Vegetation Variance Approvals
  3. Program Management for Guidance Updates
  4. Community of Practice Support
  5. Training and Technical Competency