Software & Tools

RMC Hydraulic Fracture Toolbox

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Risk Management Center (RMC) developed the RMC Hydraulic Fracture Toolbox to perform the hydraulic fracture calculations required by ER 1110-1-1807 for Drilling and Invasive Program Plans (DIPPs) and to aid in identifying areas of potential hydraulic fracture.


This is the RMC Hydraulic Fracture Toolbox Version 1.0. The toolbox is used to assess the factor of safety against hydraulic fracture using the four commonly used methods listed in ER 1110-1-1807. The four methods are Fell et al. (2018), Jaworski et al. (1081), Marchi et al. (2014), and Chang and Huang (2016). The information obtained from this spreadsheet tool must be used along with other pertinent information to help inform judgment when identifying areas of potential hydraulic fracture.

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