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Risk Management Center Training

Welcome to the Risk Management Center’s Dam and Levee Safety training website! This site contains our fundamental, intermediate, and advanced dam and levee safety training for USACE-internal audiences, sponsors, stakeholders, public and private dam and levee safety professionals, other Federal agencies, and the public. The links in this section will take you to the presentations, exercises, and video recordings for training courses. If you have any questions about dam or levee safety training, please email Register, attend, and complete course requirements for a completion certificate.

While not a substitution for training attendance, training presentations are available on the RMC YouTube website as reference and information.

Workshops Open for Registration

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Expand List item 36717Collapse List item 36717  18-20 March 2025 | DLS-108: Consequences Training - Estimating Loss of Life from Flooding | New Orleans, LA
  • Please visit ( for registration and more information on the workshop.
  • You will need to create a account to access the website if you haven’t done so already.
  • Please fully complete/update your profile. To access your profile: log into the event registration tool, click on “My Events” in the top right corner of the screen, and then click on “My Profile” in top right corner of the screen.
Expand List item 36735Collapse List item 36735  27 March 2025 | DLS-107: Decomposing Failure Modes and Constructing Event Trees for Dam and Levee Risk Assessments | Virtual
  • Please visit ( for registration and more information on the workshop.
  • You will need to create a account to access the website if you haven’t done so already.
  • Please fully complete/update your profile. To access your profile: log into the event registration tool, click on “My Events” in the top right corner of the screen, and then click on “My Profile” in top right corner of the screen.
Expand List item 37196Collapse List item 37196  22-25 April 2025 | DLS-213: Paleoflood Training | Eugene, OR (Pilot)
  • Please visit ( for registration and more information on the workshop.
  • You will need to create a account to access the website if you haven’t done so already.
  • Please fully complete/update your profile. To access your profile: log into the event registration tool, click on “My Events” in the top right corner of the screen, and then click on “My Profile” in top right corner of the screen.
Expand List item 37131Collapse List item 37131  2-5 June 2025 | DLS-104: Best Practices in Dam & Levee Safety Risk Analysis | Louisville, KY (USACE and Other Agencies)
  • Please visit ( for registration and more information on the workshop.
  • You will need to create a account to access the website if you haven’t done so already.
  • Please fully complete/update your profile. To access your profile: log into the event registration tool, click on “My Events” in the top right corner of the screen, and then click on “My Profile” in top right corner of the screen.
Expand List item 37166Collapse List item 37166  8-10 July 2025 | DLS-112: Levee Screening Tool Facilitator Training | Lakewood, CO (USACE)
  • Please visit ( for registration and more information on the workshop.
  • You will need to create a account to access the website if you haven’t done so already.
  • Please fully complete/update your profile. To access your profile: log into the event registration tool, click on “My Events” in the top right corner of the screen, and then click on “My Profile” in top right corner of the screen.
Expand List item 37197Collapse List item 37197  5-7 August 2025 | DLS-204: Levee Design and Analysis | Lakewood, CO
  • Please visit ( for registration and more information on the workshop.
  • You will need to create a account to access the website if you haven’t done so already.
  • Please fully complete/update your profile. To access your profile: log into the event registration tool, click on “My Events” in the top right corner of the screen, and then click on “My Profile” in top right corner of the screen.

Workshops Upcoming

Expand List item 37100Collapse List item 37100  9 June 2025 | DLS-210A: Introduction to Structural Risk Estimating | Lakewood, CO (Pilot)
Expand List item 37101Collapse List item 37101  10-12 June 2025 | DLS-210B: Monolith Stability in Risk Analysis | Lakewood, CO (Pilot)
Expand List item 36386Collapse List item 36386  15-17 July 2025 | DLS-216: Flood Hazard for Risk Assessment | Louisville, KY
Expand List item 37103Collapse List item 37103  26-28 August 2025 | DLS-103: Semi-Quantitative Risk Assessment (SQRA) Facilitator Training | Lakewood, CO (USACE)
Expand List item 37168Collapse List item 37168  TBD | DLS-102: Introduction to USACE SQRA and FERC L2RA Process and Guidelines | TBD
Expand List item 37169Collapse List item 37169  TBD | DLS-106: Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Dam and Levee Risk Assessments | Virtual
Expand List item 37170Collapse List item 37170  TBD | DLS-107: Decomposing Failure Modes and Constructing Event Trees for Dam and Levee Risk Assessments | Virtual
Expand List item 37171Collapse List item 37171  TBD | DLS-115: Drilling Plan and Hydraulic Fracturing Fundamentals | On-Demand
Expand List item 37172Collapse List item 37172  TBD | Risk Cadre Workshop | Louisville, KY (USACE RMC and Risk Cadre)