Software & Tools

RMC Overtopping Suite

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Risk Management Center (RMC) developed a set of toolboxes to help dam and levee safety risk assessors assess riprap stability, assess adjusted overwater wind speed and wind setup, and assess wave properties, wave runup, and wave overwash.

NOTE: After downloading a file containing Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), users may need to unblock the file to enable all features to function properly. After downloading, right-click the downloaded filename, select ‘Properties’ in the contextual menu, left-click on the check box for ‘Unblock’ under ‘Security’ on the 'General' tab, and left-click on 'Apply' or 'OK' to finish.
RMC Riprap Stability Toolbox
RMC Wind Speed and Setup Toolbox
RMC Wave Runup and Overwash Toolbox
RMC Wave Overwash (ASCE 7 Wind Speeds) Toolbox

The spreadsheet tools contained in this toolbox deterministically and probabilistically assess the likelihood of instability of riprap-armored embankments subjected to overtopping using the methods of Thornton et al. (2014), Frizell et al. (1998), and Mishra and Ruff (1998). This assessment supports the evaluation of the likelihood of initiation of embankment overtopping erosion.


The spreadsheet tools contained in this toolbox assess the adjusted overwater wind speed using EM 1110-2-1100 and wind setup using the Zeider Zee equation and Bretschneider (1953) method.


The spreadsheet tools contained in this toolbox assess the wave properties using EM 1110-2-1100 and the Wilson (1965) method, wave runup using EurOtop (2018), EM 1110-2-1100, and ERDC/CHL CHETN-III-70 (Hughes 2005), and wave overwash using EurOtop (2018) and EM 1110-2-1100.


The spreadsheet tools contained in this toolbox combine the methods of the RMC Wind Speed and Setup Toolbox and RMC Wave Runup and Overwash Toolbox to assess wave overwash using ASCE 7 wind speeds. Those toolboxes should be referred to for specific details of each methodology.

This is the RMC Riprap Stability Toolbox version 1.2.


This is the RMC Wind Speed and Setup Toolbox version 1.1.

  This is the RMC Wave Runup and Overwash Toolbox version 1.2.   This is the RMC Wave Overwash (ASCE 7 Wind Speeds) Toolbox version 1.2.
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RMC Scour Behind Floodwalls Toolbox
RMC WinDAM Embankment Vegetation Parameters Toolbox
RMC Overtopping Erosion Toolbox
The spreadsheet tools contained in this toolbox assess the scour behind floodwalls due to overtopping using the boundary shear stress approach below an overfall of Robinson (1992) and the free-falling jet approach of Mason and Arumugam (1985). The critical shear stress for the vegetal cover is assessed using the methods of the U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) (2007) and published values.  
The spreadsheet tools contained in this toolbox assess the vegetation parameters for the WinDAM software. These parameters support the evaluation of overtopping erosion.
  The spreadsheet tools contained in this toolbox assess the overtopping of grass-covered slopes caused by reservoir overfilling, passing of flood waves in rivers, or storm surges in coastal estuaries without waves using the methodology of Hughes and Thornton (2015) and erosional limit for grass to inform likelihood of removal of grass cover or screening of embankment overtopping with breach, as well as deterministically and probabilistically assess the likelihood of embankment breach from overtopping erosion using physically based model results (such as WinDAM C) and user-specified erodibility parameters for the embankment.
This is the RMC Scour Behind Floodwalls Toolbox version 1.1.   This is the RMC WinDAM Embankment Vegetation Parameters Toolbox version 1.0.   This is the RMC Overtopping Erosion Toolbox version 2.2.  
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