Software & Tools

RMC Flood Hazard Suite

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Risk Management Center (RMC) developed a set of toolboxes to help dam and levee safety risk assessors assess flood hazards.
RMC TBD Toolbox
RMC Effective Record Length Toolbox

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Risk Management Center (RMC) developed RMC 

  The toolbox uses the quantile variance of a flood hazard curve to estimate the effective record length for commonly used analytical probability distributions. The toolbox is intended to be used to estimate effective record length for flow, volume, stage, and precipitation frequency curves developed using RMC-BestFit Version 1.0, HEC-SSP Version 2.2, PeakFQ Version 7.3, and point or basin average precipitation estimates derived from NOAA Atlas 14. The toolbox is general purpose and can be used to estimate effective record length for other applications.
This is the RMCToolbox version 1.0.   This is the RMC Effective Record Length Toolbox version 1.0.

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