Hydraulics / Hydrology Training
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 PROSPECT Course #058 - Statistical Methods in Hydrology

By USACE Learning Center | Course: 35SMH01A| Control: 058

Click here to access trainingThis course is designed for participants to become knowledgeable in the application of statistical methods used in the analysis of flood damage reduction, environmental, and water supply systems. Methods include advanced theory of frequency analysis, distribution fitting and testing, monte carlo simulation, stochastic streamflow generation, univariate and multivariate regression analysis, and regional analysis.

 PROSPECT Course #123 - Flood Frequency Analysis

By USACE Learning Center | Course: 35FFA01A | Control: 123

Click here to access trainingThis course provides a basic understanding for the correct application of the Interagency Committee on Water Data guidelines on computation of flood flow frequencies. The computer software HEC-SSP is used throughout the course.

 PROSPECT Course #352 - Advanced 1D/2D Modeling with HEC-RAS

By USACE Learning Center | Course: 35ADM01A | Control: 352

Click here to access trainingThis is an advanced course in applying computer program HEC-RAS. The course provides participants with the knowledge to effectively use computer program HEC-RAS to analyze difficult hydraulic conditions in natural and constructed channels, utilizing one-dimensional and two-dimensional modeling techniques.


 PROSPECT Course #369 - Advanced Applications of HEC-HMS

By USACE Learning Center | Course: 35AHC01A| Control: 369

Click here to access trainingThis course provides advanced instruction in the use of the Corps' Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS) for ecosystem restoration, flood damage reduction, forecasting, and navigation studies where advanced simulation strategies are required. Workshops are used to provide hands-on reinforcement of scientific and engineering principles presented in lecture. Students will be prepared to work on more complicated studies after completing the course.

 RMC RFA Quick Start Guide